Wednesday, February 09, 2011

After Death, Protecting Your 'Digital Afterlife' : NPR

After Death, Protecting Your 'Digital Afterlife' : NPR

I'm an incessant notekeeper + journal writer. Moving so many times leaves me with memories from too many places that shuffle and overlap, sometimes morphing into inaccurate images and half truths. My notes are my feeble attempts to get it all down to reference later. As organized as I am, I rarely revisit my journals, my delicious bookmarks, etc but I still do it, comforted by the idea that should I need them, I can dig up details. For these reasons, I found this Fresh interview about the digital afterlife fascinating. Enjoy.

Made me think of Danica Phelps contour line drawings with notes on her daily activities. The only ones I could find online separated the notetaking from the images, but when they are hung in the gallery together, you make the connection. A few images here.

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